Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So Dark, The Con of Dan Brown

Unless you've been living under hypothetical rock for the past few years, you know of The Da Vinci Code. I know that many of you love this book. I did not. I liked it, but love it? No. It had good ideas, but I don't think Dan Brown will be getting any awards for writing any time soon. He's just not a great writer. Period.

When I finally succombed to the pressures of my peers and read the thing, I'll admit, I was caught up in the story. But when I finished it, I wondered, "How the hell are they going to make this into a movie?"

The entire book consists of people talking. That's it. Talking. All those chase scenes in the movie trailer? Not in the book. I just couldn't imagine the movie being that interesting.

Now it looks like I've been proven right. Currently, The Da Vinci Code sits with a 0% on the Tomatometer. That means that of all the critics who have published reviews so far, not one recommends the movie. And most give the same reason I suspected from the beginning: Long, boring, talky.

So sad.

But I'm sure it'll make a lot of money.


At 7:18 PM, Blogger Muser said...

Try Angels and Demons -- it was better than the D'Avinci Code -- I've read all his books and this is his best, in my opinion.


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