Why I hate Scientology...
All this talk in the news lately about South Park and Tom Cruise and Scientology has made me think. Here's what I think:
1) I wish Tom Cruise would shut up. I have nothing against him personally. In fact, I think he's a great actor. I loved Magnolia, and he's solid in everything he does. I plan on seeing Mission Impossible III opening weekend. He just seems loony when he talks about Scientology. Loony. The whole "cure schizophrenia with vitamins" thing makes him look like a complete retard.
2) I hate Scientology. I hate it because I know nothing about it. No, that's saying it wrong. I hate it because whenever I try to learn about it, It won't let me. Any other religion I can go online and learn about its beliefs, history, etc. But not Scientology. I went to the Scientology website and if I even want to learn ANYTHING about it, I have buy the product. What kind of bullshit is that? Why is it that the religions I don't give a shit about (Jehovah's Witnesses, Latter-Day Saints) are busting down my doors to tell me about them, but the one I'm curious about is acting like a private club where you have to buy a membership?
That's all I have to say about that.
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