Sunday, May 27, 2007

Every time, I swear!

Well, the school year is almost over, and I can say I am definitely happy about that. This year has brought some good times and some really frustrating times. This quarter has been especially trying. The Registrar's Office never sounded so good.

The television season is over, and all in all it was pretty good. Veronica Mars had a decent season. Definitely not as good as the first two, and for its last season, it didn't have a very good send off. Lost had the best finale by far. Great storytelling, and finally, after two seasons, it seems like Jack is back in the role of leader. Where he belongs. It blew the Heroes finale out of the water.

Speaking of which, I saw all three "Threes" this May, and Pirates was by far the best. Still not as good as the first, but that climactic scene is one for the books. Definitely worth the three hours spent in the dark. And definitely more entertaining than Shrek or Spider-Man. Only one more "Three" to go, and Jason Bourne has yet to disappoint.

Finally, can someone please explain to me why everytime I fall for a girl, she always ends up being from England! Seriously. But, as they say in Pirates, it can be worth it. Just depends on the one day. And I had two!


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